Bannack Montana Turner House

Royalty free photos by Mike1 – No. 46

Turner House, Bannack State Park (ghost town and first territorial capitol), Montana, July 30, 2010. Photo shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr as “Bannack Montana Turner House.”

Turner House, Bannack State Park (ghost town and first territorial capitol), Montana, July 30, 2010. 

Like most buildings in Bannack2, this cabin saw many different uses over the years. This house was last owned by the Turner family before being acquired by the State of Montana.  Arthur Contway purchased the building in the early 1900s and it served as his residence, Post Office, barbershop and had the only telephone in town for some time. For a time, it served as the office for Spokane mining company.

Photo shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr as “Bannack Montana Turner House.”

  1. Only photos specifically identified as such are public domain or creative commons on our pages. All other images are copyright protected, creative commons or used under the provisions of fair use.
  2. Bannack is a ghost town in Beaverhead County, Montana. Named after the local Bannock Indians, it was the site of a major gold discovery in 1862, and served as the capital of Montana Territory briefly in 1864, until the capital was moved to Virginia City. (Wikipedia – accessed August 4, 2018)

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