Balcony House and more

Mesa Verde’s Balcony House is a very memorable — and challenging — place to visit. It certainly isn’t for those who have a fear of heights or a problem with tight spaces. Those with health problems that prevent strenuous activity should not attempt this tour.


From the park website: The Balcony House tour requires visitors to descend a 100 foot staircase into the canyon; climb a 32 foot ladder; crawl through a 12 foot, 18 inches wide tunnel; and clamber up an additional 60 feet on ladders and stone steps.


The climb out:


Rain in Montezuma Valley:


Tansy Aster against a ruin wall:


Mesa Verde National Park, September 14, 2009

We had tickets for a 10 AM ranger guided tour of Balcony House. We had been to this ruin at least two other times before, the first in 1986, when we were in our mid-thirties.

To get into the ruin requires a bit of a climb, shown in the two views below and the one on the right, which exaggerates the steepness of the ladder because I had to rotate the image a little to get it all in.



Waiting to go through the small passage:


A hungry coyote zeros in on food — found on road:


Rabbitbrush with Sleeping Ute Mountain in the background:




Commentary and images from the road

image and information from September 14, 2009

This post is being simultaneously published on Exit78 and Haw Creek Out ‘n About

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  • Donna Dec 6, 2009 @ 21:21

    Hi Mike, We did this about 4 years ago and it was a lot of fun… Great place to visit and great tour. Thanks for the memories and thanks for coming by and visiting my blog… Have a great day and Travel Safe!
    .-= Donna´s last blog ..~~~A Day with a President~~~ =-.

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