Improved Trailer Fittings Make Life on Wheels More Comfortable

Popular Science July 1937

Every amateur trailer builder incorporates into his home on wheels various inexpensive conveniences to make it more livable and comfortable. Many ideas for fittings and accessories were submitted in our recent trailer contest, and here are seven suggestions that won prizes:

Stove Canopy. The canopy illustrated, according to its designer, Harold P. Rykken, will get rid of most of the cooking odors and gas fumes from the trailer stove, and when the weather is chilly, it can easily be converted into a heater. The material is 26-gauge galvanized or black iron.

1937 Popular Science -- Stove Canopy for a camper trailer. The canopy illustrated will get rid of most of the cooking odors and gas fumes from the trailer stove, and when the weather is chilly, it can easily be converted into a heater.

To use as a heater, the front shutter is slipped into the side channels and then up into the upper channel. The 9-in. tube near the top of the campy is for additional heating surface and can be used for warming small dishes when the “oven” doors are closed. If this feature is omitted…, (read more at Improved Trailer Fittings Make Life on Wheels More Comfortable)

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