Another trip to over 12,000 feet

Rocky Mountain National Park — September 5, 2009

We’re really not much for spending a lot of time in shops or arts and craft shows any more, so after Saturday morning in Estes Park, we decided to head back into the park again — up to Trail Ridge Road by way of the old Fall River Road.

(click on any of the following photos to view a larger image.)

Sure enough, a nice group of elk, bedded down for the day

Sure enough, a nice group of elk, bedded down for the day

One of the many switchbacks on the one-way Fall River Road

One of the many switchbacks on the one-way Fall River Road

Quite chilly, with 46 d with a 26mph wind speed for a 37 wind chill

Quite chilly, with 46 d with a 26mph wind speed for a 37 wind chill

On the way back down, headed to Estes Park

On the way back down, headed to Estes Park

Soon after we were in the park, we saw sure signs of wildlife ahead.

Soon after we were in the park, we saw sure signs of wildlife ahead.

On the way up, we saw much more fall color than just a few days before.

On the way up, we saw much more fall color than just a few days before.

By the time we were at the top, it was starting to spit rain with a little bit of frozen stuff mixed in.

By the time we were at the top, it was starting to spit rain with a little bit of frozen stuff

Trail Ridge Road at about 12,000 feet above sea level

Trail Ridge Road at about 12,000 feet above sea level


Commentary and images from the road

image and information from September 5, 2009

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on Exit78 and Haw Creek Out ‘n About.

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