After the Sipapu Natural Bridge hike, we took a drive south on Utah 261 towards Mexican Hat. A sign not to far from our campground warned “10 % grades – switchbacks – narrow gravel road 23 miles ahead.” I learned later that part of the route is called the Moki Dugway.
It was actually the shortest route to our next destination when we resumed our drive the next day, so, besides an afternoon excursion, we were also checking the route out to see if we should go the longer route. The Moki Dugway is a series of steep switchbacks down a gravel road from the top of Cedar Mesa over less than 3 miles. It was built in the late ‘50s to for transporting uranium ore from a mine to a processing mill in Mexican Hat.

“The State of Utah recommends that only vehicles less than 28 feet in length and 10,00 pounds in weight attempt to negotiate this steep (10% grade), narrow, and winding road.”
That eliminates us, then, since towing our small car sends us way over that length. We went the long way round the next day.
We also visited Goosenecks State Park and drove through Mexican Hat that afternoon.