American Bison near Old Faithful

buffalo along trail to old faithful overlook

Image Info:

Near Old Faithful Inn
Yellowstone National Park,

From the
Madison Junction
to West Thumb


Haw Creek Galleries

Park Visitor Gored By Bison


A visitor from Southern California was gored by a bison in a Yellowstone National Park campground Wednesday morning.

The 55-year-old man from Norco, California, was staying in Bridge Bay Campground. About 11:30 a.m., he was taking pictures of a bull bison that was wandering among the campsites. When the two got to within about ten feet of each other, the bison charged the camper.

The man received a puncture wound to the upper left thigh. He was treated at the Lake Clinic, and then transported by ambulance to St. John’s Medical Center in Jackson, Wyoming. His injuries are not considered to be life threatening. The man’s name is not immediately available.

This is the second time a park visitor has been injured by a bison this summer. A 50-year-old woman from Spain was tossed in the air by a bull bison in the Canyon area on June 24, while talking on a pay phone. She was treated for minor injuries.

A bull bison can stand six feet tall, weigh up to 2,000 pounds, and run at speeds up to 30 miles an hour. Bison can be dangerous at any time, but may be more so during the next several weeks which are the peak of their mating season.

Park regulations require people to stay at least 25 yards away from most animals like bison and elk, and at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves at all times. Those who fail to abide by these requirements not only put themselves in danger, they may also be subject to a citation and fine.

Visitors desiring a closer look at animals are encouraged to use binoculars, a spotting scope, or the zoom lens on their still or video camera.

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