A New Start on this blog

creative_commonsPosted on Flickr by Zest-pk

I’ve been publishing material on this blog for nearly four years and it’s never been what I would like for it to be — so I’m going to be making some changes in what’s here, how things are presented, and what I’m going to include.

I hope to write at least one or two posts a week about places we’ve been and things we’ve seen or other topics related to camping, outdoors, travel, or RVs.  I may even resurrect and update some older material, if the content is decent and interesting.  However, I do not envision a new post every single day.

I’ll also be posting links to interesting blog posts or web pages that  other folks have published about their travels.

The Photo of the Day is going away.  I’ll still be posting pictures, but they won’t be fillers for the text that’s not here.  Each post will have photos related to the topics.  If I can figure out how, Out ‘n About may end up having a sister photoblog, where the main focus is on the photos.

I’m also going to be deleting most of the older posts where the content is minimal, nonexistant or otherwise has little value and will be editing and reducing the number of blog categories.

Are you changing up your blog or website in 2009?

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  • Tom Jan 10, 2009 @ 11:38

    Good New Year’s resolution. I send you the NY wish that you are more resolute than I am! I’ve made similar resolutions but then one gets busy.

    Still, if you don’t rest assured that you’re just there with the rest of us whose sites are what we have hoped they would be but which nevertheless provide, I hope, a useful service for travelers!

    Good luck!

  • Tom Jan 10, 2009 @ 11:44

    Okay, so that was a bit incoherent – I meant “if you don’t manage to keep the resolution, rest assured”. I assume you’ll manage to rest assured (whatever that would mean!). Anyway, Happy NY and good luck!

  • Mike Jan 10, 2009 @ 22:07

    No problem!

    I’ve added a link to your site on one of my new pages.

    My post wasn’t really a New Year’s Resolution. It was more about the new direction that I’m taking the blog.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  • Tom Jan 10, 2009 @ 23:52

    Oh, misinterpreted a bit. Well, in any case, best of luck for your New Start.

    And thanks for adding the link (though I was already in the sidebar – thanks for that too).

    Oy… just makes me think that I’ve been planning a “useful websites” section for ages where I could add links, but another one of those things that keeps getting pushed back. I finally added a “useful books” section. Progress, but I’ve become resigned to my site never being what I hope it will be. No! This year it becomes what I have always hoped it would be!

    Anyway, have great adventures and find joy in writing about them in 2009. I can’t wish for anything better than that!


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