A Day’s Worth of Progress

Mike at Custer State Park, 2007This blog was started somewhere around or before April 2005.

Yesterday, I deleted all posts from before May 2008 — three years of blogging — somewhere around 400 or 500  posts.

Oh, the information in them isn’t lost.  I’ve got it all saved on private pages, so that I can go back — if I so desire — and review it before final deletion.

As I was going through the process, I did see a number of posts that will be worthwhile reusing.  After all, an old post reused is a new post to someone who has never seen it.

Many of the reused posts will be from the trips we took in 2007, some of the things we saw, and some of the things that happened to us we experienced.

In the links at the very top of the page, you’ll see one called Places & Links. That’s new and goes to the beginning of what I hope to be a valuable collection of links, where I can store links to travel, camping, and RV sites that are of interest to me — and that may be useful to others.

So far, I’ve included links from

I will be adding more material in the near future.



General (links applicable to more than one state)

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  • Tom Jan 13, 2009 @ 15:12

    Wow! Thanks. I’m honored to be among the first linkees. More motivation to get off my butt and add some new articles!

    I might suggest YosemiteBlog.com as well because Loyd does a lot more posting about recent Yosemite news than I do, whereas I mostly write about stuff that doesn’t change much (trails, flowers, etc). So Loyd’s site tends to be a better place to go if you’re trying to find info on things like road closures and the like.

  • Tom Jan 13, 2009 @ 15:20

    BTW, I don’t think this is the sort of site you’re looking for for your links list, but my absolute favorite Yosemite Blog is


    David goes out every day and takes photos and videos of wildlife, be it squirrels or bobcats, coupled with a sort of stream of consciousness writing. It’s a daily fix of nature when you don’t have time to get out yourself.

  • Mike Jan 13, 2009 @ 16:12

    Tom – thanks for both of those links! I’ve added both of them and used part of your description on one of them.

    Much to my regret, we’ve actually only been to Yosemite once and it was a quick one day there and back again trip when I was stationed in Vallejo in 1972. We were both 20 years old and there was so much to see on my off-time during the 6 months I was stationed there for school.

    Much later, when I started getting into photography, I became a big fan of the work of Ansel Adams.

  • Tom Jan 14, 2009 @ 14:29

    Well, there are so many places to visit. I still have spent only one brief day in the Grand Canyon myself, but we’re aiming to fix that this year!

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