5th wheel page updated

The recreational vehicle industry is constantly changing.  Periodically, the Recreational Vehicle Manufacturer pages at Haw Creek have to be updated.

Manufacturers no longer making 5th wheel RVs
Manufacturers no longer
making 5th wheel RVs

The Fifth Wheel Trailer page is the first one completed in this round of updates.

During the update, it was apparent that the recent economic troubles continue to take a toll on the RV industry.  I found that thirteen manufacturers of fifth wheel recreational vehicles are no longer making them.  Either they were out of business or, while still manufacturing other RVs, were no longer making 5th wheels.

I also found that many manufacturers had reduced the number of models of fifth wheels that they produce.

On the other hand, there were a couple of manufacturers that had resumed production as well as a few that had increased the number of models they make.  I discovered several manufacturer that had not been previously listed on the Fifth Wheel Trailer page.  A couple of these are new companies that are operating in the facilities of RV manufacturers who have closed their doors.

There are links to the websites of over 40 fifth wheel RV manufacturers on the Fifth Wheel Trailer Manufacturer page.

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