22°F & Leaves

Photography Now and Then #12

Today’s photo: Southern Ozarks in Arkansas on a winter day; 22°F with a breeze out of the north, January 12, 2018, 8:52 AM (Pentax K-3 II).

Today’s photo1: Southern Ozarks in Arkansas on a winter day; 22°F with a breeze out of the north, January 12, 2018, 8:52 AM (Pentax K-3 II).

The front came through during the night.  We went from 60°F yesterday afternoon to 22°F this morning.

The subfreezing weather this year have given the hills a definite wintery look this year.  We haven’t had any frozen precipitation yet this season.  Some years, it doesn’t get so cold and there is more green – other than the pines – on the hills.

Photo Favorite: Leaves on Lake Bailey, Petit Jean State Park, Arkansas November 17, 2007 (Pentax K10D)

Photo Favorite2: Leaves on Lake Bailey, Petit Jean State Park, Arkansas November 17, 2007 (Pentax K10D)

When this photo was taken, we were taking advantage of a few days of late autumn warm weather to do a little camping just before Thanksgiving, which was November 22 that year.

Petit Jean State Park’s Lake Bailey

Lake Bailey is a 170 acre impoundment behind a rock dam on Cedar Creek.  It is located on Petit Jean Mountain inside Arkansas’s first state park, established in 1923.  Petit Jean State Park’s early development, including the lake, as well as roads, buildings, bridges and trails still in use today, was done by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) from 1933 to 1938.3

  1. Today’s Photo is a photo that is almost always taken the day of the blog post.  In some instances, posts may be backdated if internet access is not available on the day of the photo or other reasons prevent posting Now and Then.
  2. Photo Favorite is a randomly selected older photograph from a batch of photos specifically “curated” for Now and Then.
  3. Petit Jean State Park – The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture

Note: Reference links were accessed on the date the blog post was published, unless otherwise stated.

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